Attorney for DUI »
North Charleston DUI Lawyer

DUI Prosecutor, Tim Amey, is on YOUR side now as a North Charleston DUI lawyer - defending clients!
As a former DUI prosecutor, Tim Amey knows what it takes to get a conviction - and what it takes to get an acquittal!
In Court, there's no such thing as an unfair advantage!
Tim Amey's experience as a DUI Prosecutor
led to lecturing in Advanced DUI Detection Certification Courses
Approved by SLED (South Carolina Law Enforcement Division) in North
Charleston, SC. Mr. Amey’s knowledge and experience with DUI extends to every
facet of enforcement, including completing Datamaster (commonly called the
“breathalyzer”) Certification classes. Studying and seeing the game from
within, Charleston DUI defense attorney Tim Amey has every weapon you need
to fight the charge and to help you get back to your daily life.So you got popped for DUI. Now what?
You’re probably scared, and you should be. You wish you could take it back, you wish it never happened. Unfortunately, there is no going back. You cannot ignore it or sweep it under the rug. The only question now is how are you going to move forward?Selecting your DUI defense attorney in North Charleston SC
and surrounding areas can be a daunting task. Making the right choice is crucial. You may have received letters in the mail from Charleston dui lawyers soliciting an opportunity to handle your case. You may also have done some research from your phone, tablet or computer. Most folks are scared to ask on Facebook, because of the embarrassing nature of getting a DUI. You may have a family attorney that you consult on all matters legal. Whatever the situation may be, you have a lot on the line and want to be well represented.DUI Lawyers in Charleston, North Charleston, Mount Pleasant, West Ashley
and throughout the tri-county area seem like they are a dime a dozen. There are a few reasons for that. One reason is that DUI arrests are on the rise. You can’t drive anywhere these days without seeing some sort of sign indicating that there is a crackdown in progress and it’s “Sober or Slammer” , or that “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving”. With an increased demand for legal help, more lawyers are attempting to answer the call. Penalties for DUI are also more punishing than ever before. Strong lobbying forces have wielded considerable influence over lawmakers at the local and national levels. Despite a few commonalities, however, DUI charges and penalties vary greatly from state to state.Choosing the right Charleston DUI Lawyer,
is extremely important. Do your research! While there are many South Carolina attorneys who will take a DUI case, a great deal of them are focused on a variety of other practice sets. Beyond that, no two lawyers are the same. You need to be sure that your attorney knows DUI, through and through. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and don’t be afraid to meet with more than one Charleston dui lawyer.Tim Amey, Charleston DUI Lawyer / North Charleston, SC